– BOOKS – used books, antique books, comic books, collectible books, old magazines
– MUSIC – vinyl records, CDs, cassette tapes, Reel-to-Reel Tapes
– EPHEMERA – old paper items (ephemera) – prints, posters, postcards, old photos, sheet music, old signs, brochures, vintage frameable art, etc.
– VIDEOS – DVDs & bluray
– HOME AUDIO & STEREO GEAR – buy, sell, trade record players, amplifiers, old radios, turntables, receivers, walkmans, Discmans, brand name speakers, tuners and similar audio items. We also repair turntables and record players.
– ACTION FIGURES – Vintage and collectible toys and action figures (excluding sports related).
So instead of stockpiling your books, music, videos or home audio gear for “someday”, sell them or trade them for stuff you haven’t enjoyed yet. We also offer a relaxing atmosphere where you can meet others interested in pre-download era media. Also, check out our awesome reviews on Facebook and Google.

Our “browser’s paradise” philosophy focuses on keeping a rich in-house selection, a selection the local community helps us create by buying, selling, and trading with us. In addition, our inventory is available only in our store and not online, and this has two benefits for our customers: It keeps the rare “gems” in our store for your browsing pleasure, and it forces us to lower our prices for a smaller (local) buying population. With a focus on your browsing experience the Bizarre Bazaar is the ideal place to discover books, music and videos you never knew existed.


Besides buying, selling and trading home stereo gear, we also repair turntables and record players. We have a huge inventory of products from Marantz, Kenwood, Pioneer, SONY and others as well as parts, including needles (stylus), tonearms, headshells, belts, phono cartridges, audio tubes, transistors, resistors, capacitors, knobs, switches and so on. We also have a rather fast turnaround time. $30 down buys you the first half hour of service. Some items are easier to repair and are done in that half hour while others need more work and are billed at $60 per hour (plus parts cost if needed).


Local chain thrift stores have raised the prices of their books so that most books never find a home. Where all the unsold books go is always vague and unclear. In response to this the Bizarre Bazaar created our 24-hour accessible book donation wall and they are all FREE. So, in addition to selling your books and music to us inside our store, PLEASE consider donating outside our store. (Music items such as vinyl records, cassette tapes and CDs can also be sold or donated to us.) Local book lovers appreciate the FREE price tag and pick through these items day and night. Also, Little Free Library owners can refill their libraries for FREE. Our free wall saves about two pallets full of books per month from the landfill. That’s 24 pallets per year in little old Fort Collins!

“Reduce, Re-use, Recycle” is something we do every day. Buying and selling used books (books already in circulation) re-uses them and greatly reduces the need to cut down more trees to make brand new books. We also use our outdoor 24-hour book & music donation wall to save thousands of books from the landfill.
Bizarre Bazaar LLC
1014 S College Ave ( across from the CSU campus )
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Email: store@fortcollinsbazaar.com
Phone: 970-484-1699
Check out our great reviews on Facebook & Google!
HOURS: 10am to 7pm, 7 days a week ( Note: We stop buying at 6pm. )
All rights reserved. Bizarre Bazaar LLC. 2024.